Thoughts on Watching A Film
Since the beginning of this blog I have mainly used it to give updates on film projects of mine as well as film projects that I have had some part in. However; I wanted to take a brief minute to write about a film observation I had earlier this month. One of the things I have found is that as filmmakers we can sometimes end up missing out on some of the emotional ride that a film tells. From my experiences I have seen this come about in two ways. The first being, it is a film that we worked on. Because of this we know the basic outline of how the story or the scene goes, even if we haven't see the final cut before. The second way I have found this happening is because the more I learn about film the easier it becomes to see the hints, set-ups etc. of a film. This past month I had the chance to see the movie God's Not Dead 2 with a friend of mine. This fellow friend was not a filmmaker. Sitting there in the theater watching the film that way was so intriguing/interesting...